NAV Navigation
Automate Green Documentation


This document is the Automate Green API interface specification.


Generate Token

To generate an auth token, use this code:

curl \
-d "user[email]" \
-d "user[password]=mypassword" \
-d "expires=31536000"

You can pass the email and password parameters as either standard form data (above) or as JSON (below):

curl \
-d '{"user":{"email":"","password":"mypassword"}}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

The response is a JSON with a token:

    "message": "Sign in successful",
    "token": "vgdBwL149wfE8upzCY4PiaQOQZsrcIAV4fC1.Zl3vKu5bKhkdBJoCBbJ4ujqMtpvgdBwL149wfE8upzCY4PiaQOQZsrcIAV4fC1xZl3vKu5b.hkdBJoCBbJ4ujqMtpvgdBwL149wfE8upzCY4PiaQOQZ",
    "user": {
        "email": "",
        "name": "Example User"

To make the token easier to work with, set an environment variable with the token.

export TOKEN="vgdBwL149wfE8upzCY4PiaQOQZsrcIAV4fC1.Zl3vKu5bKhkdBJoCBbJ4ujqMtpvgdBwL149wfE8upzCY4PiaQOQZsrcIAV4fC1xZl3vKu5b.hkdBJoCBbJ4ujqMtpvgdBwL149wfE8upzCY4PiaQOQZ"

You will need to generate an authorization token to use the API. This allows your API requests to securely access your devices. You can either generate a token through an HTTPS API request or create one on the Web App (User -> Tokens -> Generate New Token).

In the request, you provide your email, password and expires. Expires is the number of seconds you want the token to be valid. Expires defaults to two week. The examples sets expires to a year.

Use Token

Token in the HTTP Authorization header:

-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

Token in the URL query string:


Token in the request body:

-d "access_token=$TOKEN"

All Automate Green API requests require a valid token. There are three ways to send your access token in a request.

Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN




List Gateways

HTTP Request

GET /v1/gateways

Get Gateway

HTTP Request

GET /v1/gateways/$GATEWAY_ID

Update Gateway

HTTP Request

PUT /v1/gateways/$GATEWAY_ID

Delete Gateway

HTTP Request

DELETE /v1/gateways/$GATEWAY_ID

Reload Gateway

HTTP Request

GET /v1/gateways/$GATEWAY_ID/reload


List Devices

 curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


  "devices": [
      "address": "112233",
      "gateway": "aSdFgHjKl",
      "id": "qWeRtYuIoP",
      "info": {
        "ledBrightness": 32,
        "links": [],
        "onLevel": 100,
        "rampRate": 500
      "lastUpdate": "2015-07-17T23:50:45.666Z",
      "name": "Master Bedroom",
      "status": {
        "date": 1436312185098,
        "deviceId": "qWeRtYuIoP",
        "id": "-13SKLb9fg",
        "info": {
          "level": 0
        "state": "Active"
      "type": {
        "description": "Switch",
        "name": "switch",
        "profile": "switch"

HTTP Request

GET /v1/devices

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
gateway ALL Gateway for which to get devices

Get Device

HTTP Request

GET /v1/devices/$DEVICE_ID

Command Device

HTTP Request

POST /v1/devices/$DEVICE_ID/command

Update Device

HTTP Request

PUT /v1/devices/$DEVICE_ID

Delete Device

HTTP Request

DELETE /v1/devices/$DEVICE_ID


List Statuses

GET /v1/statuses?device=$DEVICE_ID
GET /v1/statuses?device=$DEVICE_ID&date=$DATE
GET /v1/statuses?device=$DEVICE_ID&date[start]=$START_DATE&date[end]=$END_DATE
curl -g[start]=2015-08-10T09:30&date[end]=2015-08-15 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

Returns a list of device statuses for the provided date range.

HTTP Request

GET /v1/statuses

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
device REQUIRED Device for which to get statuses
date[start] Yesterday Return statuses starting from this date
date[end] Now Return statuses before this date
date Yesterday Simplified date returning all status from this date to now


List Actions

curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
GET /v1/actions
GET /v1/actions?device=$DEVICE_ID

HTTP Request

GET /v1/actions

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
device all Device for which to get actions

Get Action

curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"



HTTP Request

GET /v1/actions/$ACTION_ID

Create Action

curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-d "device=bksxGL4wMx" \
-d "type=request" \
-d "event=cooling" \
-d "options[url]="



HTTP Request

POST /v1/actions

Request Arguments

Body Parameters

Parameter Type Description
device string ID of device for which to associate the actions
type string ID of device for which to associate the actions
event string Event that triggers the action
options object Options for the action
conditions [object] Conditions to validate prior to action
threshold object Event trigger threshold
injectStatus boolean Inject current device status (request only)
injectDeviceId boolean Inject device ID (request only)
deviceToControlId string ID of device to control (command only)
disabled boolean Is the action disabled



Light/Switch Events

Thermostat Events

Door Events

Motion Events

Leak Events

Flow Event

Temperature Event

Current Event

Light/Photo Event


Some events support thresholds. The event will only be triggered if the threshold is reached.


Request Options

Condition objects

Time of Day Condition

  "type": "timeOfDay",
  "start": "hh:mm [AM/PM]",
  "end": "hh:mm [AM/PM]"

Day of Week Condition

  "type": "dayOfWeek",
  "sunday": true,
  "monday": true,
  "tuesday": true,
  "wednesday": true,
  "thursday": true,
  "friday": true,
  "saturday": true

The action conditions are passed as an array of objects, [{...},{...},...]. All conditions must be true for the action to be triggered. There are three types of conditions.

Time of Day

Only trigger the action when between a start and end time.

Day of Week

Each day of the week can be set to a boolean. true for days the action should be triggered. If a day is omitted, it defaults to false.

Device status

Only trigger the action when a devices has a current status.

Update Action

curl -X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-d "device=bksxGL4wMx" \
-d "type=request" \
-d "event=heating" \
-d "options[url]="

HTTP Request

POST /v1/actions/$ACTION_ID

Delete Action

curl -X DELETE \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

HTTP Request

DELETE /v1/actions/$ACTION_ID


The Automate Green API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – There is an error with the request
401 Unauthorized – Your API key is wrong
403 Forbidden – The requested is not allowed
404 Not Found – The specified resource could not be found
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarily off-line for maintenance. Please try again later.